Unless you work in the financial sector, you’re highly likely to have a number of questions that need asking about your personal wealth, not to mention the plethora of products and services that are currently available on the market. The team at DJC Wealth Management have all the skills, knowledge and experience you’re likely to need, so please get in touch if you have any issues. Here are some of the answers you could be seeking, but if you need more we look forward to hearing from you.
Wealth management is something of an umbrella term covering a number of separate but inter-connected disciplines. DJCWM encourage a holistic approach to helping our clients to make the most of optimum investment opportunities, to have access to improved tax and legal services, to enjoy effective and rewarding estate planning and to benefit from top of the range insurance policies and mortgages.
As long as you have fulfilled all your obligations with your current provider it’s extremely easy to switch to another. The team at DJCWM have a great deal of experience in such matters and we will be able to advise you right from the start of the process. If you feel you would be better off by moving to us, we would be delighted to facilitate the change.
In terms of your financial needs during your retirement, you can start planning long before the time comes. It’s always a good idea to know that your investments are working well for you, and that you’re on course to be able to enjoy a comfortable retirement with enough income and savings to enable you to lead the life you want. Whatever type of job you have, wherever you live and however old you are, sensible retirement planning is an absolute must.
The simple answer to this question is to choose a level of risk that you’re comfortable with, and no higher. And of course the level you choose will depend on your personality. Some people are happy to take a gamble, others will prefer to be ultra-cautious, and most are somewhere between the two. If you’re unsure about which direction to take, a chat with our team could be just what you need.
Absolutely. DJC Wealth Management are always happy to assist with ethical investing, so we take time to discuss your personal moral compass and how best to reflect this with your investments. There are plenty of worthy causes that you can help, including solar energy, wind farms, reducing carbon emissions, manufacturing affordable pharmaceuticals, fostering responsible governance and many more.
Given the way the mortgage markets changes so quickly, it’s a good idea to review your current loan at least every year or two. And while you could potentially find a better deal on the web, the specialists at DJCWM may be able to find more options from niche lenders who aren’t as easy to find. The market is an extremely competitive one these days, so in many cases the borrower will inevitably benefit.
You’ll find plenty of financial advisors and wealth management providers both in the UK and beyond, but how can you be sure that you’re dealing with someone you can trust? One of the best indicators of reliability is good old-fashioned word of mouth; take a look on the web for online reviews from previous clients and you’ll soon get an idea of what to expect. And of course you shouldn’t under-estimate your own first impressions. Have a chat with the specialists before signing up to anything because it will be easier to see if you’re a good fit.
DJC Wealth Management are based in Glasgow and we work with clients from across the globe. We have many years of experience, a comprehensive knowledge of the current markets and a good understanding of what to expect in the future. Whatever your financial needs might be, we feel sure we can help you.
Contact us today to see what we can do for you. Whether it's advice or a meeting one of the team will be more than happy to help.
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